CRIF Sp. z o.o.

CRIF - together to the next level!

CRIF is a global company on the same mission that led to its creation more than 30 years ago: creating value and new opportunities for banks, financial institutions, utility companies, and other businesses eager to be innovative. CRIF is committed to digital financial inclusion. We work responsibly to offer innovative solutions to support our customers to enhance access to credit in compliance, granting a digital access and use of financial services by excluded and underserved companies.

CRIF offers banks, financial institutions, e-commerce, BNPL, utility companies and businesses qualified support in every phase of the customer relationship.

CRIF offers advanced solutions to decision-makers to help them plan and develop new strategies incorporating business information, as well as credit solutions and processes.
CRIF makes its knowledge and information assets available to business through services which are specially designed to help them take decisions calmly and with knowledge of the credit and e-commerce markets.

Leave your business card

Kamil Gosławski

Senior Key Account Manager

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